The Post About Sushi
So, I found out a couple years ago that I really like sushi.
I love it, actually. Probably wouldn't eat it every day, but it's on my list of favorite foods now.
Why am I mentioning this? Because I'm realizing that this discovery was one of the first times in a while when I paid attention to what I wanted.
So often, I've shut down my own desires, my own preferences, to make other people happy. I had this fear that I'd be looked at differently or cast aside if I started standing in my own truth.
Obviously, I'm not just talking about sushi at this point.
The thing is, my efforts to make myself palatable to other people have rarely paid off. In fact, they almost always end with me being disconnected from those people, and being disconnected from myself as well, which is always worse.
So now, I'm paying more attention to what I want. What I think. How I want to live. I can't control how others view me, and trying only hurts me in the end.
Anyway, I hope you're paying attention to your own soul, and the ways in which it wants to thrive. I know I am.
Until next time, keep breathing.